Overview of mortgage solutions for foreigners

The summer brings new approach to the mortgage financing for foreigners in the Czech Republic. What are the current options and how to get a financing for your property?
Generally there are three ways of financing that we use with our clients:
- Banking mortgage loan;
- Business mortgage loan, i.e. mortgage on a company; and
- Non-banking mortgage loan.
Of course that the best conditions, i.e. the lowest interest rates and lowest fees have standard banking mortgages. However, there are some cases where you are not able to get a banking mortgage. At this case it is good to know that there are also business mortgages for a company which could be for a new established Czech company (SPV). Moreover, we have a cooperation with several non-banking providers so this might be a solution for your financing as well.
The market conditions are less clear than before so feel free to contact us.